Most of the state received from trace amounts to upwards of 1.5 inches of precipitation. Areas of East Texas received up to two inches. Freezing temperatures with snowfall and ice were reported across the state. There were 4.3 days suitable for fieldwork.
Small Grains
Small grains were reported in various stages and conditions across the state. Winter wheat and oats needed the moisture that came this past week all over the state. Meanwhile, producers started to assess the damage to small grains from the weather.
Row Crops
Ground preparation for cotton continued in some parts of the Trans-Pecos area. Corn planting continued towards the end of the week in the Coastal Bend and the Upper Coast but some crop damage was reported from the extreme temperatures. Corn that was planted in South Texas and the Lower Valley was also affected by the weather.
Fruit, Vegetable and Specialty Crops
Most pecan trees were reported as having little to no limb breakage from last week’s weather in the Southern High Plains. Pecan orchards were irrigated in the Trans-Pecos. Meanwhile, fruit and vegetables in North East Texas, the Lower Valley, and the Trans-Pecos were damaged from the weather. Early fruit trees froze in South Central Texas.
Livestock, Range and Pasture
Supplemental feeding increased across the state as producers worked to keep livestock safe during extremely cold temperatures. As a result, supplemental feed and hay was in high demand throughout the state. Some livestock loss was reported throughout the state due to weather. Pasture and range condition was rated mostly poor, though pasture conditions varied greatly across the state.
Click here to read the full report from USDA NASS or see below.