TSCRA government and public affairs staff continue their hard work in Austin as the Texas Legislative Session approaches the halfway mark.
Last Friday, March 8, was the final day that legislators could file new bills. As of that day, 7,490 bills and joint resolutions were filed. We continue to track about 14 percent of those bills and weigh in on legislation that is good or bad for TSCRA members.
The main subjects on the docket this week were open space and ag property tax valuation, transportation, and animal cruelty.
The biggest news of the week was that Sen. Lois Kolkhorst passed the Committee Substitute for Senate Bill 421 out of the Senate Committee on State Affairs. The vote Monday came exactly a week after the committee heard public testimony on the merits of the eminent domain reform bill. TSCRA has been a staunch supporter of the legislation to add transparency, fairness and accountability to the eminent domain process.
ICYMI: Click or tap to read President McKnight’s latest email to TSCRA members on eminent domain reform.