From: TSCRA President Robert McKnight
I would like to thank all the TSCRA members and Texas property owners who took the time to travel to Austin last week and support eminent domain reform efforts in the Texas Legislature.
Thanks to your outpouring of support, this Monday, the Senate Committee on State Affairs PASSED S.B. 421 out of the committee to be considered by the full Senate.
The previous week, 58 property owners and property owner organizations supported Senate Bill 421 before the Senate State Affairs Committee in a marathon 6-hour hearing. The support not only helped to inform Senators but was also vital to counter the hordes of oil and gas lobbyists who descended on the Capitol to try to argue against fair, transparent and accountable eminent domain usage.
I would like to especially recognize the 33 other individuals who joined me in providing oral testimony, including:
Our work is not over. We still need your help!
The bill must now be voted on by the full Senate.
The bill that was passed from the committee contained significant changes to address the concerns of pipeline and transmission line companies, but they still adamantly oppose it. To see what we are up against, you only need to read the letter sent to the Lt. Gov. by oil and gas lobbyists. You can also read our common-sense response and see how much has already been given up to appease their concerns.
Please contact your State Senator and ask them to vote for the Committee Substitute to Senate Bill 421!
Click here to find your Senator
Robert McKnight