Most of the state received from trace amounts to upwards of one inch of precipitation. Some areas in East Texas received up to three inches. There were 6.2 days suitable for fieldwork.
Small Grains
Small grains were reported in various stages and conditions across the state. Winter whet producers reported applying top dress fertilizer and herbicide in the Northern High Plains. Wheat was beginning to grow some in the Southern High Plains but more moisture was needed. Meanwhile, some producer’s main priority for wheat in the Southern Low Plains was applying top dressing. Small grain crops were slowly improving after the winter storm in some areas of the Cross Timbers, South Central Texas, South Texas, and the Blacklands.
Row Crops
Fieldwork continued for cotton, corn, and grain sorghum ground with tillage, pre-plant herbicide, and fertilizer applications in the Northern High Plains. Farmers continued preparing cotton fields for planting in the Southern Plains and Northern Low Plains. Planting of corn, and grain sorghum was underway in areas of the Blacklands where fields were dry enough to allow work. Pre-irrigation was applied to cotton fields in areas of the Trans-Pecos. Corn planting had begun in South Central Texas and South Texas but more topsoil moisture was still needed. Planters were reportedly running at full throttle in parts of the Coastal Bend as producers worked to get corn, cotton, and grain sorghum in the ground. Farmers in the Lower Valley continued planting corn, grain sorghum, and sunflowers.
Fruit, Vegetable and Specialty Crops
Some pecan orchards were receiving water in the Trans-Pecos. Farmers were preparing the soil for the next vegetable season and some began planting in South Texas. Pecan orchards were reportedly looking good and being irrigated in South Texas. Vegetable and citrus producers continued to assess the freeze damage in the Lower Valley as some harvested onions and other vegetables that did not have significant damage. Sugarcane harvest continued in the Lower Valley.
Livestock, Range and Pasture
Supplemental feeding continued across the state. Precipitation was needed in parts of the Northern Low Plains, Edwards Plateau, South Texas, and the Blacklands to fill lakes and stock tanks for livestock. Cows were calving and ewes were lambing in parts of the Cross Timbers. Spring calvi was also reported in the Blacklands, North East Texas, and the Upper Coast. Winter pastures were reportedly doing better in parts of North East Texas. Pasture and range condition was rated mostly poor to fair, though pasture conditions varied greatly across the state.
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