Source: USDA NASS Southern Plains Regional Field Office
Weekly Summary for March 8-15, 2021 | Released March 15, 2021
Most of the state received from trace amounts to upwards of 0.01 of an inch of precipitation. Some areas in the High and Low Plains received up to two inches. There were 6.1 days suitable for fieldwork.
Small Grains
Small grains were reported in various stages and conditions across the state. Winter wheat producers ran pivots and continued to apply top dress fertilizer and herbicide in the High Plains and Northern Low Plains. Leaf and leaf tip burn was reported in some areas of the Cross Timbers due to the winter storm in February. Winter wheat progressed well, with warmer weather and low insect population in the Blacklands. Irrigation was underway on small grain crops in South Texas.
Row Crops
Corn and cotton producers continued pre-plant activities in the Northern High Plains. Corn planting was well underway in the Cross Timbers and Blacklands. Corn and grain sorghum planting continued in South Central Texas and the Upper Coast. Cotton planting continued in the Coastal Bend; however, farmers in the Upper Coast waited for warmer weather to begin planting. Meanwhile, farmers in South Texas and the Lower Valley continued planting corn, cotton, and sorghum.
Fruit, Vegetable and Specialty Crops
Fruit trees were blooming in the Cross Timbers. Pecan orchards were being cleaned and hedged in the Edwards Plateau. Vegetable planting was underway in South Texas. In the Lower Valley, vegetable, sugarcane, and onion harvest was underway, while citrus orchards were being fertilized and irrigated.
Livestock, Range and Pasture
Supplemental feeding continued across the state. Spring calving season
continued in parts of the Cross Timbers and Edwards Plateau. Spring born calves were reportedly doing well in the Blacklands. Runoff rainwater was still needed in parts of the Blacklands and Edwards Plateau to fill stock tanks for livestock. Feral hog signs and sightings were reported in the Blacklands and North East Texas. Meanwhile, producers saw an increase in the fly population in North East Texas. Weed control in pastures was underway in South East Texas and Edwards Plateau. Producers began culling cows and early weaning calves to reduce herd size in South Texas and the Lower Valley. Pasture and range condition was rated mostly poor to fair, though pasture conditions varied greatly across the state.
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