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Livestock Wx for August 8, 2018: Rainfall Winners and Losers
Over the past month, there has been a significant increase in rainfall over much of Kansas, eastern Colorado, New Mexico, and parts of Oklahoma.
Unfortunately, a large part of Texas missed out of much of this needed rainfall. The image below shows rainfall over the last 30 days.

Needed rain could arrive this week, especially later this week. Ample tropical moisture will stream inland from the Gulf of Mexico along southerly winds. North winds, with cooler temperatures, will converge into a boundary draped across Texas.

This should result in fairly widespread and heavy rain over parts of northern and central Texas. Unfortunately, parts of South Texas in the midst of a severe drought will not receive nearly as much.

August Livestock Weather Journal
We will be shipping the August issue of the Livestock Weather Journal next week. If you would like to subscribe to the Livestock Weather Journal and get more information on the trends we’re tracking you can sign up on our website at http://livestockwx.com/subscribe/.
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