Source: USDA NRCS | Feb. 24, 2021
In response to the winter storms that hit Texas in February 2021, the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) is offering farmers and ranchers technical and financial assistance to repair and replace certain damaged conservation practices.
NRCS is accepting applications for its Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) for the recovery measures listed below:
- Animal Mortality and Animal Mortality Facility
- High Tunnel Systems
- Irrigation System and Irrigation Pipeline
- Livestock Pipeline
- Obstruction Removal
- Pumping Plant
- Roofs and Covers
- Waste Storage Facility
- Water Well
- Watering facility
NRCS accepts conservation program applications year-round; however, applications for 2021 winter storm recovery funding must be submitted by one of three deadlines: March 5, March 19, or April 2, 2021. After each deadline, applications will be ranked and approved as soon as possible so conservation work can begin. Producers must submit a separate application by one of the ranking deadlines for this disaster sign-up to be considered.
Farmers and ranchers negatively impacted by winter weather are encouraged to contact their local NRCS office to seek assistance. Find contact information for local NRCS offices at .