Over the last week, moderate to heavy precipitation from the Midwest storm systems fell over parts of Texas. Improvements from abnormally dry conditions took place in parts of western Louisiana and east Texas, where recent rainfall erased precipitation deficits. Farther west in southwest Texas, moderate drought and abnormal dryness were reduced, as recent rainfall from last week’s storm system reduced precipitation deficits.
In the southern Texas Panhandle, the Friday storm system delivered moderate rainfall, giving some locations their first measurable precipitation in months. In some areas of the southern Panhandle, this was enough to improve conditions from extreme drought to severe drought.
Elsewhere, from central Texas southwest to the Edwards Plateau, abnormal dryness to severe drought continued, despite some locales receiving precipitation. Moderate to heavy rain also occurred in parts of western and central Oklahoma, while much of eastern Oklahoma received moderate to heavy rain (which continued after the Tuesday morning cutoff). Drought conditions remained the same in Oklahoma, as the rainfall in western Oklahoma was not enough to improve conditions because of continued long-term precipitation deficits. Read more at droughtmonitor.unl.edu.