Recently, there has been some confusion regarding the issue of livestock haulers and the requirement for an Electronic Logging Device (ELD) due in large part to misleading articles that have begun to circulate.
The week before Christmas and the partial government shutdown, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) posted the following on their website to clarify that livestock haulers are ELD exempt until further notice: “Transporters of livestock and insects are not required to have an ELD. The statutory exemption will remain in place until further notice. Drivers do not need to carry any documentation regarding this exemption.”
During this time of uncertainty with the partial government shutdown, FMCSA was trying to help with any confusion that law enforcement might have. Also, there was a need to clarify to law enforcement officials that these haulers would not have any documentation to carry to show the ELD exemption, but that the exemption was still in place.
The statement above from FMCSA does not mean that the exemption is permanent as some reports have implied. Currently, we are awaiting Congress to fund the government and we hope that the exemption of ELD requirements in livestock haulers will be extended once the partial government shutdown is over.
We will continue to monitor this situation and pursue solutions moving forward. If you have any questions, please contact Peyton Schumann in our Austin office at 512-469-0171.