Most of the state received from trace amounts to upwards of six inches of precipitation. Several areas of the Blacklands and North East Texas received in excess of six inches. There were 4.5 days suitable for fieldwork.
Small Grains: Winter wheat in the High and Low Plains continued to develop but more rain was still needed in several areas. Meanwhile, producers with adequate moisture in the Northern High Plains began applying fertilizer. Development was slowed in areas of the Southern Low Plains with some areas reporting widespread freeze damage from the previous week’s cold temperatures. Oat seedings were completed but army worms damaged several wheat fields in the Blacklands. The Edwards Plateau reported small grains progress lagged normal development. Producers were hopeful that favorable weather forecasts would facilitate progress. South Texas small grain crops continued to progress.
Row Crops: Corn silage producers in the Cross Timbers experienced cold and wet conditions which has delayed plantings for at least a week or two. The Edwards Plateau needed more rain before cotton planting could continue. Corn planting continued in the Coastal Bend and the Upper Coast where moisture was sufficient, while planting stalled in areas too wet for field work. Producers in the Lower Valley pre-irrigated fields in preparation for cotton and sesame planting.
Fruit, Vegetable and Specialty Crops: Pecan harvest in the Trans-Pecos was delayed due to previous snowfall. Spinach harvest continued while potato planting has been completed in South Texas.
Livestock, Range and Pasture: Livestock were rated in fair to good condition. Meanwhile, beef producers in the Southern High Plains reported the fall calf crop in good to very good condition. Supplemental feeding continued across the state. Pasture and range condition was rated mostly fair to good, though pasture conditions varied greatly across the state. The Blacklands received adequate rainfall and their stock tanks were reported full. North East Texas reported feral hog damage in several areas.
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