The Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board (TSSWCB) and the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) are working together to create and enhance healthy habitat for coastal migratory and shore birds in the Gulf of Mexico region by developing over 200 conservation plans for farmers, ranchers, and private landowners that will address natural resource concerns that impact wildlife habitat.
This project is funded through a matching agreement between the NRCS and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) and provides opportunities for technical assistance through local soil and water conservation districts in thirty-two counties along the Texas coast. To date there have been seventy-five requests for planning received, of those plans, fifty-seven have been completed.
“Districts will be able to help landowners maintain the viability and profitability of their operations while voluntarily improving water quality, reducing nutrient and sediment runoff, and creating and enhancing healthy wildlife habitat and ecosystems across Texas coastal counties,” said Rex Isom, TSSWCB Executive Director.
Brian Koch, TSSWCB Regional Watershed Coordinator, stated, “Technical assistance to develop these conservation plans is available at no cost to the landowner and could open up opportunities for the landowner to receive financial assistance from NRCS through the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) or TSSWCB’s Water Quality Management Plan Program.”
Landowners who are interested in receiving a conservation plan are encouraged to contact their local soil and water conservation district, or Brian Koch at (979) 532-9496. If you have questions about the project or would like more information about these conservation efforts visit, or contact TSSWCB project manager Liza Parker at (254) 773-2250 ext. 247 or [email protected].