Source: Texas Animal Health Commission | Jan. 27, 2020
The Texas Animal Health Commission (TAHC) has adopted a rule to mitigate the risk of uninfected cattle being exposed to animals that are persistently infected with bovine viral diarrhea virus, also known as BVDV-PI cattle. The rule was passed at the December commission meeting and will go into effect Feb. 2, 2020.
The new rule defines which cattle are classified as BVDV-PI, and requires the seller of a BVDV-PI animal to disclose the status in writing to the buyer prior to or at the time of sale. The new rule also establishes a BVDV program review working group that will meet annually to evaluate and review the current rules.
Bovine viral diarrhea (BVD) is a communicable disease of cattle that is endemic in most states and can have great negative economic impact. It is caused by BVDV, a Pestivirus, and can affect cattle of all ages. The major reservoir responsible for the disease spreading geographically is the persistent infection syndrome (BVDV-PI) seen in calves. Persistent infection can occur in calves if a female is infected during the early stages of pregnancy. Animals affected by BVDV-PI expose pen mates and adjacent cattle to the virus.
BVDV can result in problems at stocker and feedlot operations by causing immunosuppression and contributing to Bovine Respiratory Disease Complex, also called shipping fever. This can lead to reduced feed conversion and weight gain, increases in days on feed, morbidity, treatment cost, and mortality. In cow/calf and dairy operations, all of these impacts may occur, plus decreased conception rates, abortions, weak calves, and congenital defects.
The new rule will be published in the Texas Administrative Code under Title 4, Part 2, Chapter 44.
Learn more about BVDV by clicking here.