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Livestock Wx for Aug. 21, 2018: Rainfall has been good for most of Texas and Oklahoma but September is looking dry
Over the past week, sizeable amounts of rain fell over Oklahoma and parts of far northern Texas. Some spots received 2 inches of rain (green) and isolated locations close to 5 inches (yellow).
Large part of South Texas (circled in red), however, missed out on needed rainfall. There could be some drought degradation in South Texas and parts of the Texas Gulf Coast.

It’s looking like it will remain on the dry side into the first half of September. The following image shows below rainfall for the next 30 days (shaded in brown) for almost all of Texas.

Next Livestock Weather LIVE! Webinar

This Thursday, at 11am, we will hold the next Livestock Weather LIVE! Webinar. What conditions to expect in September and the first part of fall will be discussed. We will also provide an end-of-season update on Hurricane potential as well as an update on the potential for El Niño to develop later this fall/winter.
You can subscribe to the LIVE! Webinar and the Livestock Weather Journal at http://livestockwx.com/subscribe/
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