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Livestock Wx for Oct. 24, 2018: More Rainfall Coming to North-Central Texas
It’s been another active week of weather across Texas with rainfall above 3 inches in many spots. While the Sierra Madres have torn Willa apart, residual moisture will continue to be transported across Mexico into Texas today (Wednesday) leading towards even more rain. The following image shows rainfall over the last 14-days compared to what you can expect over the next week. As you can see, some of the wettest areas will see close to two additional inches of moisture.
In the following image, areas shaded in yellow indicate mid- and upper-level moisture. associated with now Tropical Depression Willa. Note how this moisture is streaming into West Texas on Wednesday.
The eastern Pacific Ocean has experienced its most active season on record including three Category 5 hurricanes. Category 5 Hurricane Willa made landfall along the west-central coast of mainland Mexico last night with 120 mph winds.
LIVE! Webinar
For more information on Willa and the forecast for the rest of October and into November, Livestock Wx will be holding our next LIVE! webinar this Thursday, Oct. 25 at 12:00 pm. You can subscribe to the LIVE! Webinar and the Livestock Weather Journal at: