Texas Animal Health Commission (TAHC) would like to remind stakeholders of the Nov. 30, 2018, deadline for comments on the proposed rule set forth by the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) on the use of portable spray dip machines, also known as spray boxes.
Portable spray dip machines, which operate like car washes for cattle, use flowable 42 percent Co-Ral, a pesticide containing coumaphos, which is authorized for use in the Texas Cattle Fever Tick Eradication Program (CFTEP). These machines are transported to a producer’s premises for treatment of cattle carrying fever ticks.
The new rule proposed by TDA states, “Products containing coumaphos, with an active ingredient of 42% by weight, which is approved for use on beef or non-lactating dairy cattle or horses, to control horn flies, lice, ticks and screwworms, must be applied in a ventilated area.”
The proposed rule and the impact statements can be viewed on the Secretary of State’s website.
Interested parties who would like to comment on the proposed new rule may submit a letter to Philip Wright, Administrator for Agriculture and Consumer Protection, Texas Department of Agriculture, P.O. Box 12847, Austin, Texas 78711 or an email to [email protected].
Comments must be received by TDA no later than Nov. 30, 2018.
Source: Texas Animal Health Commission