TSCRA Special Ranger Bart Perrier, District 4 in Oklahoma, reports 3 Beefmaster/Angus cross steer calves weighing approximately 700 pounds, each, missing from a property near Tishomingo in Johnston County. The steers are all branded with a hat over 6 brand on the right hip and have an under bit ear notch under the right ear. They were last seen on April 10.
Special Ranger Perrier also reports that a suspect or suspects cut a padlock and removed a coupler lock to steal a 16-foot silver bumper-pull WW stock trailer, serial number 82528, from a property near Collinsville in Tulsa County on March 9, 2019.
Anyone with information on these cases is urged to contact Special Ranger Perrier at (918) 847-3231.
TSCRA Special Ranger Joe Aguilar Jr., District 29 in far South Texas, reports a brown Brahma cow with horns and a black Angus cow with horns missing from a property near Edcouch in Hidalgo County since April 1, 2019. These cows have a check mark brand on the left leg. Anyone with information is urged to contact Special Ranger Aguilar at (956) 307-5777.