Suspect stole, sold cattle from business partner
Gainesville, Texas — When 12 head of Longhorn crossbred cattle with a familiar brand entered the ring at the Decatur Livestock Market, an eagle-eyed buyer took notice. He knew something didn’t add up, so he called the owner. His suspicions were confirmed when the cattle’s owner said he did not consign them.
That’s when the owner contacted Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association Special Ranger Troy McKinney, who launched an investigation. There was only one suspect: John Gilbert “Jacky” Davis, from Gainesville, who had been leasing land to and caring for some of the victim’s cattle. The owner knew Davis had fallen on hard times, but said he never thought he’d resort to theft.
Throughout the course of the investigation, McKinney, along with Cooke County Sheriff’s Office Livestock Deputy Matt Pease, discovered Davis had stolen and sold more of the victim’s cattle, including 25 head at the Overbrook Stockyards in Overbrook, Oklahoma.
And it didn’t stop once Davis had been questioned. At one point, he delivered 125 head of cattle to the Gainesville Livestock Auction, ordering them to be sold in the victim’s name. McKinney was able to stop the sale, but the victim still had to pay charges for the cattle’s care until he was able to pick them up.
Davis turned himself in to the Cooke County Sheriff’s Department on Monday. He is currently out on $10,000 bond.
McKinney would like to thank the Cooke County Sheriff’s Department and especially Deputy Pease for their help in the investigation. He’d also like to remind ranchers how important a brand can be.
“If it hadn’t been for that buyer spotting that brand, we might have never known about, or been able to solve this costly crime.” McKinney said. “There is no better way to help us identify your property than a brand.”