Have you heard of TSCRA’s online source for goods and services offered by businesses who know ranching and ranchers? TheCattlemanBuyersGuide.com is a website designed for easy use on all devices, including smartphones, tablets, laptops and desktop computers. Browse categories like animal health and nutrition, equipment, markets, livestock, services, classifieds and more! In addition to exploring listings by keyword, location and category, visitors can read industry news updated daily, catch up on the latest social media posts and watch videos on our POSTED vlog.
Expect a call from our summer co-worker Gianna Allen, who is leading an outreach program from TSCRA’s headquarters in Fort Worth to educate and inform our Allied members and associated businesses about The Cattleman Buyer’s Guide. She will be contacting TSCRA’s Allied members and our advertisers to verify phone numbers, addresses and other information. She will also be providing information about add-on packages for every business budget and marketing level to expand your listing and make sure we have you in the correct category.
All TSCRA Allied members and advertisers are eligible for a free listing in The Cattleman Buyer’s guide. The free listing includes your business name, address with Google map, telephone number, email and 2 keywords.
No need to wait for Gianna to call. Feel free to add your own FREE listing by using the form at http://thecattlemanbuyersguide.com/memberlisting/.