Source: USDA Market News | March 16, 2020
Most of the state received from trace amounts to upwards of one inch of precipitation. Some areas in the Northern Low Plains, the Cross Timbers, the Blacklands and North East Texas received in excess of two inches with isolate reports up to five inches. There were 4.7 days suitable for fieldwork.
Small Grains: Small grains showed signs of improvement in areas of the High Plains, the Cross Timbers, the Blacklands, the Edwards Plateau and Northern Low Plains as weather conditions improved. Meanwhile, some areas of the Southern Low Plains had reported treating wheat crops for mites and Army worms.
Row Crops: Northern High Plains cotton producers were considering planting sorghum instead of cotton due to production costs. Meanwhile, cotton producers in the Southern Low Plains were pleased with the recent rains for upcoming plantings. Corn and sorghum planting continued in the Blacklands while row crop preparations began in the Trans-Pecos region. Cotton preparations continued in the Edwards Plateau while corn planting continued. Cotton continued to be planted and some had emerged in the Lower Valley. Dry conditions in some areas of South Texas delayed corn and sorghum plantings but planting progressed in other areas.Corn planting neared completion in areas of South Central Texas and the Upper Coast. Sorghum planting progressed in the South Central Texas. Meanwhile, cotton planting halted in some areas of the Coastal Bend due to inadequate moisture.
Fruit, Vegetable and Specialty Crops: North East Texas vegetable producers started some transplanting but delayed larger plantings due to excessive moisture. The potato crop in South Texas had emerged while spinach harvest continued. Onion harvest in the Lower Valley was expected to occur relatively soon based on crop progress. Pecan crops in the Trans-Pecos area were pruned while buds had formed in the Edwards Plateau.
Livestock, Range and Pasture: Livestock were rated in fair to good condition. Supplemental feeding continued across most of the state but slowed in areas of North East Texas. Pasture and range condition was rated mostly fair to good, though pasture conditions varied greatly across the state. Feral swine damage continued in areas of East Texas while hog sighting had increased in the Blacklands.
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