With much of the region heading into a “deep freeze” during the weekend of Dec. 17-18, there were only small changes in the drought depiction. In the last week, some of the most significant deterioration was noted in eastern Oklahoma and neighboring areas, where drought signals were apparent in both long- and short-term indicators and where both agricultural and hydrological impacts continue to mount. Places on the Plains setting consecutive record lows included Valentine, Nebraska (-27 and -31°F); Pueblo, Colorado (-19°F both days); Tribune, Kansas (-14 and -13°F); and Dalhart, Texas (0 and -8°F). Dalhart’s record-setting lows followed a daily-record high of 73°F on Dec. 16. Similarly and elsewhere in Texas, Dec. 16 daily-record highs of 85°F in Childress, 78°F in Lubbock, and 76°F in Borger were followed 2 days later by daily-record lows of 7°F, 4°F, and -3°F, respectively. Read the full report at droughtmonitor.unl.edu…