Vince Montes and PACO Feed Yard answered the call to assist special rangers with inspecting more than 2,000 head of cattle

In late December 2021, Texas & Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association Special Rangers Bo Fox, Jay Foster and Ben Eggleston conducted an investigation requiring more than 2,000 head of cattle to be inspected at PACO Feed Yard, LLC in Friona.
The special rangers contacted PACO operations manager, Vince Montes, who agreed to meet with them December 31, 2021.
“Feedyards hold tens of thousands of head of cattle,” Fox said. “Inspecting a particular few thousand head out of the large group can be very difficult without the assistance of the feedyard staff.”
Montes and his staff assisted the special rangers by leading them to each pen with the cattle in question, and the staff moved the cattle down the allies for easy inspection by the special rangers.
“Montes and his staff went above and beyond to make our jobs as easy as possible,” Fox said. “Their assistance brought a quick resolution to the investigation at hand.”
TSCRA and the special rangers presented Montes with a custom TSCRA sign and a certificate of appreciation for all his hard work and dedication to assisting the special rangers.