Leslie Kinsel, chair of the TSCRA Legislative and Tax Committee, testified Monday on S.B. 474 in a House Land and Resource Management Committee Hearing at the Texas State Capitol. The bill is authored by Sen. Lois Kolkhorst and Rep. Cindy Burkett.
In Kinsel’s remarks to the committee members, she spoke about her first-hand experiences of dealing with the condemnation process and how costly litigation can be. She discussed how S.B. 474 would help level the playing field for landowners by requiring condemnors to pay the costs and fees incurred by landowners if the amount of damages awarded to the landowner is at least 20 percent greater than the initial amount the condemnor offered to pay.
TSCRA encourages ranchers and landowners to call the members of the House Land and Resource Management Committee members and encourage them to vote the bill out of committee as soon as possible.