Merck Animal Health treated TSCRA headquarters staff to a meat cutting demonstration on Thursday. Meat Scientist Jessica Finck explained the history of popular beef cuts and how drought, beef prices, consumer demand and improved carcass quality have influenced the evolution of what we now see in meat cases.
Finck showed where each cut originates, demonstrated how steaks and other cuts are harvested from the larger cuts of meat and gave advice on trying the same techniques at home. Attendees also heard from local cattle producer Kenneth Braddock, Rosewood Ranch, who supplied some of the beef used for the demonstration. Braddock gave insight on how his years of ranching and breeding experience have enabled him to provide a unique product that restaurants and professional chefs desire. Braddock hopes to be able to increase supply so that the ranch is able to provide beef to public consumers, in the future.
After the demonstration, Merck representatives Kevin Johnson and Kevin Przilas cooked up the different cuts of meat for everyone to sample for tenderness and taste.