TSCRA government and public affairs staff were in Galveston last week for the summer meeting, where our policy committees discussed recent state and federal policy issues. Topics included eminent domain, wildfire protection efforts, water supply enhancement, trade, country of origin labeling, dealer trust and more.
This week, TSCRA submitted comments on a study proposed by the USDA Agriculture Marketing Service (AMS) to study the feasibility of implementing a livestock dealer statutory trust. TSCRA and many other Texas organizations oppose the creation of this type of trust because it would reduce the buying capacity of livestock dealers leading to a negative impact on market prices for all livestock sellers throughout the country.
Please consider submitting your own comments opposing the study. They must be received by Monday, June 24, 2019. You can easily personalize TSCRA’s comments and copy them into the comment field at regulations.gov. Click here to view TSCRA’s comments and get details on how to submit your own.
TSCRA government and public affairs staff are also speaking Friday at 4-H District 12 Leadership Lab and Election Convention in Kingsville. The 4-H members are at the Texas A&M Kingsville campus to work on team building and leadership skills as well as hear from leaders in Texas agriculture.