This week TSCRA government and public affairs staff attended the TSCRA Leader Conference in Fort Worth with the association’s newly-elected officers, directors and committee leaders. Government and public affairs staff provided an update on current and future political issues as well as training on interacting with the news media.
On Tuesday, government affairs staff and TSCRA Special Rangers participated in the Agriculture Response Management and Resources (ARMAR) tabletop exercise, designed to explore planning and response coordination options for managing a high-impact animal disease outbreak. The exercise focused on a potential Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) outbreak and was hosted by the Texas Animal Health Commission.
On Wednesday, TSCRA testified at an interim hearing of the Texas House Land and Resource Management Committee in Houston. The hearing addressed stakeholder concerns with the current eminent domain process, and ways to make the process more equitable for landowners who are faced with the threat of forced condemnation. More hearings on the issue are anticipated throughout the state, and we will pass along that information as it becomes available. Please consider sharing your story at such a hearing if you have been negatively impacted by the use or threat of eminent domain.