TSCRA Special Ranger Bart Perrier, Dist. 4 in southern Oklahoma, reports the Love County theft of a tractor and gooseneck trailer from a property in Overbrook. On Sept. 14 a thief or thieves cut and removed padlocks from a gate to steal a 2004 Massey Ferguson 481 all-wheel drive tractor with a cab, front end loader and red 8-foot Fred Cain rotary cutter. The tractor’s serial number is 9366BN00076. Also stolen was a black 25-foot Big Tex gooseneck trailer with a dovetail and attached ramps, trailer serial number 4K8GX2022T1305876. If you have any information regarding this case, please contact Special Ranger Perrier at 918-847-3251.
TSCRA Special Ranger John Cummings, Dist. 5 in East Oklahoma, reports a heifer missing from a pasture in Crawford County, Arkansas. Since this property is near the Oklahoma border, folks in the area are encouraged to keep an eye out. The Belted Galloway-Angus cross weighs approximately 500 pounds, has a “JO” brand on the left hip and a yellow tag in the left ear. The heifer’s white belt is broken at the top line. Anyone with information is urged to call Special Ranger Cummings at 918-342-0888.