TSCRA Special Ranger Brent Mast, Dist. 22 in East Texas, reports 11 head of heifers missing from a property in the Riverside area of Walker County. The 11 head of unbranded 600-weight crossbred heifers were last seen at 5:00 p.m. Monday, June 12, and when victim arrived at 7:00 a.m. the next morning, they were gone. All the heifers have an under bit in right ear. Most are black baldy, with a few red with white faces and a couple solid black. Anyone with information on this case is urged to call Special Ranger Mast at 936-851-0122 or the Operation Cow Thief tips hotline at 888-830-2333. TSCRA offers a cash reward for information leading to the arrest and/or grand jury indictment of individuals for theft of livestock or related property. Anonymity is guaranteed.