Source: USDA NASS Texas | March 25, 2019
Weekly Summary for March 18-24, 2019
Much of the state experienced warmer temperatures during the past week. Precipitation ranging from 0.5 to 2.0inches was reported in the Northern Plains, North East Texas, the Blacklands, and the Trans-Pecos. However, the rest of the state recorded little to no rainfall. Areas of severe drought were developing in South Texas. There were 5.8 days suitable for fieldwork.
Small Grains: Wheat producers continued to apply irrigation,fertilizer, and weed control in areas of the Northern High Plains. Recent rains and warmer temperatures improved wheat condition in the Low Plains. Freeze damage was reported in wheat in areas of South Central Texas. Wheat was in the heading stage in the Coastal Bend and South Texas. Small grains condition was mostly good in the Blacklands, the Cross Timbers and the Edwards Plateau.
Row Crops: Field work in preparation for cotton planting was active in the Low Plains, South East Texas, the Trans-Pecos and the Edwards Plateau. Meanwhile, cotton planting continued in the Coastal Bend, the Upper Coast and South Texas. Corn planting was ongoing in the Southern Low Plains, the Cross Timbers, the Blacklands and South Central Texas. Corn and sorghum were emerging in the Coastal Bend and the Blacklands. Producers continued planting sorghum in the Upper Coast and the Edwards Plateau. Rice was being planted in the Upper Coast.
Fruit, Vegetable and Specialty Crops: Some vegetable producers in South Texas were preparing fields for the next season, while others were already planting. Spinach harvest continued. Growth of onions and cabbage continued to progress.
Livestock, Range and Pasture: Livestock condition across the state remained mostly fair to good. Use of supplemental feed, while continuing, had decreased across much of the state. Wild hogs were still causing problems in North East Texas. Pasture and range condition was rated 73 percent fair to good.