Source: USDA-NASS Texas| March 19, 2019
Cool, windy conditions were experienced across much of the state last week. Precipitation in the Plains, the Cross Timbers, the Blacklands, East Texas, and the Edwards Plateau ranged from 0.5 to 1.5 inches, with isolated areas in South East Texas getting upwards of 2 inches. The rest of the state recorded little to no precipitation. There were 4.7 days suitable for fieldwork.
Small Grains: Winter wheat condition in the Plains varied widely, ranging from poor to excellent. Freeze damage was detected in some small grain fields in the Cross Timbers. Wheat development progressed well in the Blacklands and the Edwards Plateau thanks to the recent showers.
Row Crops: Field activities continued in the High Plains in preparation of the upcoming planting of row crops. Corn planting began in the Southern Low Plains and continued in the Blacklands, the Cross Timbers, South Central Texas, the Upper Coast and South Texas. Corn and sorghum were emerging in the Coastal Bend. Sorghum and cotton plantings were ongoing in the Coastal Bend and South Texas.
Fruit, Vegetable and Specialty Crops: Producers continued planting vegetables in South East Texas and South Texas with growth of carrots and onions progressing well. Spinach and cabbage harvest continued in South Texas, while sugarcane harvest continued in the Lower Valley.
Livestock, Range and Pasture: Livestock condition across the state remained mostly fair to good. Use of supplemental feed continued across much of the state. Some cattle producers in the Northern Low Plains were considering the possibility of downsizing herds due to overgrazing pastures during the winter. Also, sheep producers were busy with lambing duties. Pasture and range condition was rated 70 percent fair to good.