Most of the state received from trace amounts to upwards of 0.25 inches of precipitation. Some areas in the Blacklands, East Texas, and the Upper Coast received up to four inches. Precipitation was needed throughout the state as drought conditions continued in many areas. There were 6.7 days suitable for fieldwork.
Small Grains
Small grains were reported in various stages and conditions across the state. Small grains were reported needing more moisture in many areas of the state. The wheat crop in some areas of South Texas was under irrigation and there were reports of hay being cut.
Row Crops
In the High Plains and the Southern Low Plains, farmers continued pre-planting activities for row crops. Cotton planting was put on hold in the Blacklands due to the lack of moisture. Meanwhile, in the Blacklands, corn fields were beginning to exhibit leaf rolling from the lack of moisture. Cotton planting in South East Texas was in full swing. Pre-irrigation for row crops continued in the Trans-Pecos. Virtually all of the corn in South Central Texas was emerged. Cotton planting in South Central Texas, the Upper Coast, and South Texas was underway. Producers began irrigation on recently planted cotton fields in the Lower Valley.
Fruit, Vegetable and Specialty Crops
Pecan orchards in the Northern High Plains and Edwards Plateau had begun to bud in some areas. Producers worked on getting plastic put down on beds for watermelon and vegetable production in the Cross Timbers. Meanwhile, pecan orchards in the Trans-Pecos and vegetable fields in South East Texas continued irrigation. Onion and sugarcane harvest continued in the Lower Valley.
Livestock, Range and Pasture
Supplemental feeding continued across the state. Runoff rainwater was still needed in the Southern Low Plains, Edwards Plateau, and the Cross Timbers to fill tanks for livestock. Spring livestock work was increasing in the Cross Timbers. The fly population continued to increase in the Blacklands and North East Texas. Feral hog sightings in North East Texas increased. Spring shearing in Edwards Plateau of sheep and goats continued. Pasture and range condition was rated mostly poor to fair, though pasture conditions varied greatly across the state.
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