Do you want to be more involved in Texas & Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association? Want to have an impact on the association’s policy? Join a committee! Policy committee signups are available online through August 6. While committee chairs and vice chairs will remain unchanged, policy committee members will be reset in an effort to include new, interested association members.
A list of policy committees and their duties is below.
Cattle Health and Well-being
- Investigate diseases and conditions that might affect the health of cattle.
- Attempt to discover practical methods to prevent and control the spread and effects of such diseases and conditions.
- Cause any threatening or discovered disease to be brought to the attention of appropriate government agencies for remedial action.
- Analyze animal welfare laws, regulations, and other activities.
- Monitor the structure and any related fees and funding of federal and state animal health regulatory and laboratory testing agencies.
- Examine laws and regulations relating to animal health pharmaceutical products and accepted livestock management practices.
- Study and report on the availability of large animal veterinarians.
- Assess and report on federal and state animal disease traceability efforts.
- Investigate federal and state animal health border inspection activities.
- Monitor new technologies and research related to cattle care and handling.
- Study and report on evolving technologies and equipment which aid in the identification of cattle and their ownership.
- Keep the membership advised of useful technologies, techniques and scientific findings.
Marketing and Transportation
- Stay informed of evolving and innovative methods of marketing live cattle.
- Monitor marketing practices and methods that will be in the long-term best interest of members and the cattle industry.
- Encourage adoption of marketing best practices and inform members of marketing alternatives.
- Monitor price reporting and inventory reporting services and suggest methods of improvement in gathering and disseminating marketing information.
- Research federal and state transportation laws and regulations that impact the cattle industry, such as permits, fees, truck weights, commercial driver’s licenses, and road access and maintenance issues and make recommendations for changes if necessary.
- Analyze impacts of foreign trade agreements and negotiations and their impact on the cattle industry.
- Monitor and analyze price risk management options provided by committee futures exchanges.
- Coordinate TSCRA’s involvement with the Texas Beef Quality Producer (TBQP) and National Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) programs.
- Support the work of the special rangers and the market inspectors in accomplishing their responsibilities in serving the cattle industry.
- Keep the membership advised of useful technologies, techniques and scientific findings.
Natural Resources and Wildlife
- Examine federal and state water conservation and management laws, regulations, and/or programs and make recommendations for changes if necessary.
- Identify and promote practices for conserving and improving natural resources.
- Monitor scientific advancements in controlling brush and other invasive vegetation and disseminate information on new techniques and practices to members.
- Serve as liaison to the Grazing Lands Conservation Initiative and also the Texas Section of the Society of Range Management in the selection of the Outstanding Rangeland Stewardship Award that is presented jointly by our two organizations.
- Analyze prescribed burn programs and procedures and monitor federal and state wildfire response and preparation activities.
- Monitor and provide input on federal and state water quality programs, laws and regulations.
- Study surface damage issues relating to non-agricultural surface use activities such as mineral exploration, including inactive oil and gas wells. Make recommendations on improvements needed to properly manage natural resources and wildlife affected by non-agricultural surface use activities.
- Track renewable fuel laws and regulations.
- Encourage proper wildlife management and best management practices that will promote optimum utilization and returns from both livestock and wildlife.
- Explore opportunities for other non-livestock ranch-related revenue sources to include agri-tourism and recreation.
- Monitor wildlife diseases and report on the federal and state agencies’ response to the control of any such wildlife disease outbreak.
- Assess federal and state predator control efforts and funding for related programs.
- Monitor federal endangered species listings, including laws and regulations, and make recommendations for any necessary changes.
- Track funding for state wildlife programs and offer support where possible.
- Study and report on issues regarding changes to state laws and regulations regarding hunting and recreational use on private land.
- Provide input to industry efforts to develop beef production sustainability measures and to promote sustainability best practices.
- Advise and encourage universities and research institutions of needed research to aid in the efficient and sustainable production of cattle and beef.
- Keep the membership advised of useful technologies, techniques and scientific findings.
Property Rights and Tax
- Monitor eminent domain and other property right issues and make recommendations for changes to laws and/or regulations if necessary.
- Report on surface and ground water property right laws, regulations, and issues and make recommendations for changes if necessary.
- Study federal and state tax codes and suggest action needed to amend or create new laws and/or regulations.
- Assess state surface right laws and regulations relating to mineral exploration activities and make recommendations on changes if necessary.
- Examine federal and state labor laws and/or regulations such as workers compensation, insurance requirements, youth labor, and hiring or terminating employees.
- Monitor state laws regarding county and municipal annexation and zoning regulations.
- Study federal and state fiscal and banking laws and regulations.
- Identify areas of concern and reform with the federal legal immigration system.
- Assess state theft and trespass laws and make recommendations for changes, if necessary.
- Monitor and report on federal and state border security and illegal immigration efforts.
- Keep the membership advised of useful technologies, techniques and scientific findings.
For more information, contact Emily Lochner, director of engagement and education, at [email protected].