Last week TSCRA Law Enforcement reported a trailer load of Brangus-type heifers found on the side of I-12 by the Louisiana Brand Commission that were thought to be stolen. We are happy to report that the owners of both trailer and cattle have been found. While this case resulted in the cattle and trailer being returned, TSCRA Special Rangers would like to remind folks that stolen cattle and ranch equipment can end up far from home. Follow these theft prevention tips to keep from becoming a victim and having a better chance of recovering items if they are stolen.
1. Display TSCRA member sign on gates and entrances. It is an excellent deterrent.
2. Lock gates.
3. Brand cattle and horses. Make sure the brand is recorded with the county clerk.
4. Put driver’s license number on all saddles, tack and equipment.
5. Videotape horses and tack. Keep complete and accurate descriptions on file. Establish an organized, easy-to-find proof of ownership file to save valuable time in recovery process.
6. Count cattle regularly.
7. Don’t establish a routine when feeding. Vary the times you feed.
8. Be cautious about who gets keys and combinations.
9. If possible, park trailers and equipment where they are out of view from the roadway.
10. Keep tack rooms and saddle compartments on trailers locked.
11. Don’t feed in pens.
12. Participate in neighborhood Crime Watch programs.
13. Don’t build pens close to a roadway.
14. Never leave keys in tractors or other equipment.