U.S. Sen. John Barrasso, R-Wyoming, is chairman of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works.
He recently introduced a legislative proposal, called the Endangered Species Act (ESA) Amendments of 2018, that would bring much-needed modernization to the ESA. These comments by Barasso appeared in the Aug. 9, 2018, weekly Beltway Beef newsletter by the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association
Ranchers and farmers know – when it comes to the Endangered Species Act – the status quo isn’t good enough.
For too long, many species have languished on the list. We must do more than keep listed species on life support. We need to see them recovered and then actually taken off the list.
Wyoming Governor Matt Mead has been a leader on this issue by working with other governors from across the West – both Republicans and Democrats – to recommend much-needed changes to modernize and improve the law.
As governors, they knew state and local experts know how to manage species and deserve a seat at the table. We’ve seen that firsthand in my home state of Wyoming with the grey wolf and grizzly bear.
In the Senate, I took the governors’ recommendations and drafted the Endangered Species Act Amendments Act of 2018.
My bill emphasizes recovery of listed species – so they can meet targets and be delisted. I want to make the law more transparent, so specific recovery goals are clear and don’t become moving targets.
The legislation recognizes the value of state and local experts. It makes them equal partners with Washington in the actual recovery work.
My draft bill promotes recovery and allows local economies to flourish by creating recovery plans that work with local community needs.
As the original stewards of the land, you know the challenges associated with the Endangered Species Act. You are invested in these species and their habitats. Let’s work together to make the Endangered Species Act work better for species – and for people.
Source: NCBA Beltway Beef