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Livestock Wx for Sept. 4, 2018: Gordon on its way
It’s going to be an interesting week for rainfall in Oklahoma and Texas.
Tropical Storm (or Hurricane at landfall) Gordon will produce a strip of very heavy rain across the South-Central U.S. Some of this rain could brush the far northwest tip of Texas and perhaps the eastern quarter of Oklahoma.
Meanwhile, a slow-moving cold front will trigger scattered showers and storms over Southeast Oklahoma and much of Texas.
Areas closest to the front, looking like west-central Texas, could receive 2 or 3 inches of rainfall.
Rain this week will be welcome as much of the state is listed within some degree of drought. Several inches of rain over west-central Texas could help alleviate drought impacts.

September Livestock Weather Journal
We will be shipping the September issue of the Livestock Weather Journal in the next week. If you would like to subscribe to the Livestock Weather Journal and get more information on the trends we’re tracking, you can subscribe to the Livestock Weather Journal at livestockwx.com/subscribe/.
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