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Much of Oklahoma and Parts of Texas could see from a half inch to close to two inches of rainfall over the next week. The below image shows the NOAA 7-Day Accumulated Rainfall Forecast. The image on the right, however, shows the percent of normal (i.e. average) moisture deficits since October. As you can see, the Panhandle, western Oklahoma and Far West Texas still have a way to go to make up for the lack of fall and winter precipitation.

Going to be HOT & Windy
Temperatures over the next week are going to be well above average for much of Texas and Oklahoma. The West-central and Rolling Plains of Texas and Oklahoma, in particular, could see temperatures 4-6 degrees above average. Winds will also be strong for much of the coming week and could lead to significant fire weather later in the week as
Most Likely Status Quo for Drought
According to the U.S. Drought Monitor, drought has improved over the last week for parts of Central Texas thanks to some good rainfall at the beginning of May. As we mentioned at the beginning of this article, a large part of Texas and Oklahoma will see some rainfall over the next seven days, so we do not see further deterioration of drought in the immediate future. The high temperatures, however, are a cause for concern and something we will be keeping an eye on as we get closer to the summer months.
That’s it for this week. As always, if you have any questions about conditions around Texas and Oklahoma please contact us at [email protected].