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La Niña Forecast to Dissipate
As we noted last week, the demise of La Niña is near and should dissipate between now and May. What is interesting is the increasing chances of El Niño. In fact, by fall, the models are showing the most likely scenario is El Niño. Too soon to say for sure but it is a development we will continue to track.
Last 7-Days
Widespread rainfall fell over the last seven days (left part of below image). Still looking for that drought buster for the hardest hit drought areas, however. The right part of the below image shows that we are still running large precipitation deficits (25 to 59 percent) from southwest Kansas down into Texas.
Next 7-Days
Over the next seven days, we can expect some good rainfall from San Antonio/Austin and into eastern Oklahoma. From NOAA’s 7-day accumulated precipitation forecast (image below) some areas could see from anywhere from 4 to 5 inches of rainfall over the next week! Not seeing much, however, over the Panhandle and western Oklahoma.
High temperatures over the coming week will be above normal. The maximum temperature forecast shows large parts of Texas and Oklahoma could see highs upwards of 90 degrees. In South Texas, they could see a high in the mid-90’s over the next week.
Fire danger has been extremely high over the Panhandle and into southwest Kansas. NOAA has also noted that an area from Far West Texas, western New Mexico, part of the Texas and Oklahoma Panhandle and southeast Colorado could be in a prolonged period of elevated to critical fire weather conditions.
As always, if you have any questions about conditions around Texas and Oklahoma please contact us at [email protected].