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Aug. 14, 2018: Welcome Rainfall
Some parts of Texas and Oklahoma received more than 2 inches of needed rain (green) and a few spots nearly 5 inches or more (yellow-red) over the past week. The areas in red circles did not receive much rainfall, however, and we expect will continue to intensify in these areas.
New Jet Stream Alignment
As we head into the middle of August, it looks like the ridge of high pressure that brought unusually hot temperatures to the South-Central U.S. will shift to the West Coast (image below) and the jet stream will take a dip south over the middle of the U.S. with cooler air.
You can see the break in the really hot summer heat over areas shaded in blue with the core of heat shifting west. While this does necessarily look like a wet pattern – there could be more opportunities for rain over the next few weeks than we saw through most of July.
Next Livestock Weather LIVE! Webinar
To get more information on the latest outlooks signup for the upcoming next LIVE! Webinar, which will be held next Thursday, Aug. 23. We will discuss the forecast for the September-October-November season.
You can subscribe to the LIVE! Webinar and the Livestock Weather Journal at http://livestockwx.com/subscribe/.
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