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Livestock Wx for Sept. 18, 2018: Rainfall has been good over the last 30 days for most of Texas and Oklahoma. Next 60 days could see additional rainfall over North Texas and Southeast Oklahoma.
Over the last 30 days South Texas has received anywhere from 200 to more than 800 percent of normal rainfall. That translates from 10 to 20 inches of moisture! Meanwhile, parts of the Texas Panhandle and southeast Oklahoma has received less than an inch of moisture. The image below shows the percent of precipitation over the last 30 days for entire U.S.

October-November Precipitation Forecast
Here at Livestock Wx we have been looking at a new forecast tool from NOAA that shows a daily output from a seasonal forecast. The animation below shows expected rainfall from October through November. We don’t put too much confidence on the amounts being forecasted but the timing of rainfall could be helpful. It looks like the first and middle part of October could bring some precipitation to a large part of Texas and Oklahoma. The same pattern could be repeated in November.

For the full 60 days (image below) this could result in an accumulated rainfall of 8-12 inches in North Texas and into southeast Oklahoma. If the forecast is correct, the Texas and Oklahoma Panhandle and West Texas could receive less than 2.5 inches during this time, which is about what you would expect for this time of year.

LIVE! Webinar

For more information on the forecast Livestock Wx will be covering the seasonal forecast at our next LIVE! webinar next Thursday, Sept. 27 at 11:00 a.m. You can subscribe to the LIVE! Webinar and the Livestock Weather Journal at http://livestockwx.com/subscribe.