AUSTIN, TX – On November 19, 2021, Governor Greg Abbott appointed Alecysa “Ali” Broyles, D.V.M. and Benjamin Turner, Ph.D., and reappointed Kenneth “Ken” Jordan and Coleman Locke to the Texas Animal Health Commission (TAHC), for a term ending September 6, 2027.
Alecysa ‘Ali’ Broyles, D.V.M., of Weatherford, Texas, is an Associate Equine Surgeon at Equine Sports Medicine & Surgery. She is a member of the American Association of Equine Practitioners, the American College of Veterinary Surgeons, the American Veterinary Medical Association, the Texas Veterinary Medical Association, the Texas Thoroughbred Association, and the North American Association of Racetrack Veterinarians. Broyles received a BS in Animal Science from Middle Tennessee State University and a Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine from Texas A&M University. Commissioner Broyles will represent veterinary medicine practitioners.
Benjamin Turner, Ph.D., of Kingsville, Texas, is an Associate Professor of Natural Resource Management at Texas A&M University – Kingsville. He is a member of the Society for Range Management, the System Dynamics Society, and the Soil and Water Conservation Society. Turner received a BA in Agriculture, is a Cum Laude Graduate from Sam Houston State University, an MSc in Agribusiness from Texas A&M University – Kingsville, and a PhD in Philosophy in Life Sciences and Natural Resource Management from South Dakota State University. Commissioner Turner will represent the general public.
Kenneth “Ken” Jordan, of San Saba, Texas, is the owner and operator of K Jordan Cattle Auctions and is the Mayor of San Saba. He is a member of the Texas Southwest Cattle Raisers Association, Livestock Marketing Council, National Finance Credit Corporation of Texas, and San Saba Chamber of Commerce. Jordan received a Bachelor of Science in Animal Science from Texas A&M University. Commissioner Jordan will continue to represent the livestock marketing industry.
Coleman Locke, of Wharton, Texas, is a partner and manager of the Locke Division of J.D. Hudgins Ranch and the president of J.D. Hudgins, Inc. He is an honorary director of the Texas Southwest Cattle Raisers Association, lifetime committee member of the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. He is also a past president and lifetime director of the American Brahman Breeders Association and Texas Brahman Association, and past chairman of the Texas Beef Council and the Beef Promotion and Research Council of Texas. Locke received a Bachelor of Science in Marketing from Abilene Christian University. Chairman Locke will continue to represent cattle raisers and serve as the presiding officer of the TAHC.