TSCRA Special Ranger Clay McKinney, District 18 in West Texas, reports 36 cows and 16 calves missing from a property near Fort Davis in Jeff Davis County sometime in or after October. Missing are 36 black and red Limousin cows branded JF connected on the left hip; and 16 red and black Limousin calves branded JF connected on left hip. The steer calves have a swallow fork ear mark in the left ear and heifer calves have a swallow fork ear mark in the right ear. Anyone with information is urged to contact Special Ranger McKinney at 432-448-9367.
RECOVERED TSCRA Special Ranger Ben Eggleston, District 2 in Central Oklahoma, reports the theft of a 32-foot horse/stock trailer from the Lazy E Arena in Guthrie, Oklahoma. Sometime between Jan. 14 and 17 a thief or thieves made off with the aluminum 2010 32-foot Elite trailer with 3 axles. The vehicle’s manufacture number is 5MKWG2626A0011441, Texas trailer tag number DLLC14. The trailer has visible damage to the left fender area from a tire blowout and the passenger-side door at front of trailer has broken window glass. Anyone with information is urged to contact Special Ranger Eggleston at 806-852-4741.