Texas & Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association Special Ranger Cody Hyde, District 3 in Eastern Oklahoma, reports a metallic silver, 32-foot Gooseneck stock trailer, galvanized square tubing and several miscellaneous items stolen from a property off East County Road 1554 in Lindsay. The items are describe as:
- Metallic silver, 32-foot Gooseneck stock trailer with three axles and a metal top. The roof has minor damage approximately four feet from the first rear support beam.
- Approximately 1,800 feet of 2×2 galvanized square tubing, pre-cut in 8-, 10- and 12-foot posts.
- A 5,000-watt red and grey generator
- A dual-tube style air compressor with a cut, extended power cord and black tapered air hose.
- A bandsaw on metal stand.
- A green push mower.
The suspect(s) cut the chain and lock from the gate to enter the property during the night of Aug. 10. Anyone with information on this case is urged to contact Hyde at 918-315-2925 or the Operation Cow Thief tip line at 817-916-1775.