FREDERICKSBURG, Texas — James Eric Craddock, 24, is accused of forging and cashing two fraudulent checks in late 2020.
Because the checks were from the Gillespie Livestock Company, Texas & Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association Special Ranger Mike Barr investigated the case.
On Aug. 30, 2021, a Gillespie County Grand Jury weighed the evidence and elected to indict Craddock on two counts of forgery of a financial instrument. Both charges are state jail felonies, each carrying a penalty of up to two years in prison and $10,000 in fines.
As of writing, Craddock is behind bars at the Kendall County Jail on unrelated charges.
“Livestock auction markets are an important part of our rural communities and the lives of local cattle producers,” said Barr. “When someone defrauds and steals from local businesses, it’s a slap in the face to the whole community, so I’m pleased to see Craddock face justice for his alleged crimes.”
Texas & Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association would like to thank the Gillespie County Sheriff’s Office and District Attorney Lucy Wilke for their assistance in the case.
TSCRA’s Special Rangers are an elite group of law enforcement officers who have extensive knowledge of the cattle industry and primarily investigate cattle theft and other agricultural crimes, though they are well-trained in all facets of law enforcement. In all, TSCRA has 30 Special Rangers stationed throughout Texas and Oklahoma who are commissioned through the Texas Department of Public Safety or Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation.
The Special Rangers also oversee more than 80 TSCRA market inspectors who collect data, such as brands and other identifying marks on 4 to 5 million cattle sold at 100 Texas livestock markets each year. That information is entered into the TSCRA’s recording and retrieval system, a vital tool for law enforcement when investigating theft cases.