The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) is hosting a meeting with the public in Ennis on Thursday, Aug. 4 at 6 p.m. This is chance to tell the FRA your thoughts on the Dallas-Houston High-Speed Rail Project. The most recent meetings have been “open houses” hosted by Texas Central.
The FRA is required by law to host this meeting to get public feedback. According to the group Texans Against High-Speed Rail, it is unlikely the FSR will host this meeting other locations.
What: Ellis County High-Speed Rail Project Community Meeting
When: Aug. 4 at 6:00 p.m.
Where: Ennis Housing Authority Community Center, 300 Arnold St, Ennis, TX 75119
Details: Please join for a neighborhood listening session on the Dallas to Houston High-Speed Rail Project. The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) invites you to a neighborhood listening session so that your community may learn more about the Dallas to Houston High-Speed Rail Project. The listening session will provide members of your community with an opportunity to review maps and other project information, and to ask questions of project team members. The purpose of this open house is to listen to your ideas, concerns and questions about the proposed high-speed rail project.