Texans Against High-Speed Rail (TAHSR) is hosting the 2019 Stop the HSR Capitol Day on March 19 for all those who oppose the Dallas-Houston HSR. Local involvement in the legislative process is crucial for elected officials to better understand why ranchers, farmers and landowners oppose this project.
TAHSR will provide transportation to Austin from 5 key locations between Dallas and Houston:
- Ennis – Church of Christ, 1503 Country Club Road, Ennis, Texas 75119
- Hempstead – Barry Fleet Services Back Parking Lot, Old Lawrence Marshall Chevy, 962 Bus 290 N, Hwy 6, Hempstead 77445
- Jewett – Details to come
- Navasota – Details to come
- Madison County – Details to come
Departures will be between 6:00 a.m. and 7:30 a.m. on March 19 for arrival in Austin no later than 9:30 a.m. TAHSR will host an informational session in the Capitol to explain bills filed that will support efforts and protect private property rights and tax dollars. Click here for more information.
TAHSR will provide key talking points to share with legislators and/or their staff regarding these bills and the importance of their commitment to private property rights. Attendees will then visit assigned offices of members of the Legislature to relay these important messages and provide personal accounts of how this project is already harming Texas. Lunch will be on your own (the Capitol Grill is a great option!), and you will have time to visit the House and Senate chambers to watch proceedings. Departures from Austin will begin around 4:00 p.m. Dress for the day is business casual or business.
For more information, visit http://www.texansagainsthsr.com or email [email protected].