For Immediate Release: Jan. 12, 2011
Contact: Marissa Patton, 512-469-0171
AUSTIN, Texas – Thirteen landowner associations and organizations expressed their support today for Senate Bill 332 by Senator Troy Fraser (R-Horseshoe Bay). Senate Bill 332 clarifies that landowners have an ownership interest in the groundwater beneath their land.
“Landowner’s ownership interest in groundwater has been called into question in the courts and by some groundwater conservation districts. SB 332 clarifies the law so landowners can be assured that this property right is protected,” said Dave Scott, president of the Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association.
“Landowners support groundwater conservation districts and helped create them to protect their ownership interests in groundwater, not take them away. We appreciate Senator Fraser taking the lead on this important issue,” Scott said.
“For more than a century, Texas landowners have claimed the right to the groundwater beneath their land. Senator Fraser’s legislation will make it clear that groundwater conservation districts must respect this property right when enforcing regulations,” said Texas Farm Bureau President Kenneth Dierschke. “As a priority issue, Texas Farm Bureau members appreciate Senator Fraser’s swift leadership on this essential property right.”
“We want to thank Senator Fraser for filing SB 332 to reaffirm groundwater ownership and provide a secure, protectable property right which best assures conservation and stewardship of our groundwater resources,” said Tina Buford, president of the Texas Wildlife Association.
Landowners are encouraged to contact their state senator and encourage them to support Senate Bill 332. Landowners are also encouraged to contact their local groundwater conservation district and ask them where they stand on this issue.
For more information visit
Texas Farm Bureau
Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association
Texas Wildlife Association
Exotic Wildlife Association
Riverside and Landowners Protection Coalition
South Texans’ Property Rights Association
Texas Poultry Federation
Texas Association of Dairymen
Texas Cattle Feeders Association
Texas Sheep and Goat Raisers Association
Texas Forestry Association
Texas Land and Minerals Association
Association of Texas Soil and Water Conservation Districts
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