FORT WORTH, Texas ( March 4, 2024) – Ranchers Ken Jordan of San Saba, and Jon Means of Van Horn, have been elected chairman and vice chairman of the boards of Texas Livestock Marketing Association (TLMA) and its subsidiary National Finance Credit Corporation of Texas (NFCC), at the association’s 95th Annual Meetings in Fort Worth on February 28, 2025. Past chairman Robert Thigpen, Jr. of Chilton has been elevated to chairman emeritus.
“I have been proud to serve as chairman of the board for 9 years, and on the board of directors and executive committee for 27 years. It is a wonderful organization that provides great services to the livestock industry, and it has been an honor to work with a great group of people over the years. The timing is right for the transition in board leadership, and I look forward to continuing working with Ken, Jon, the executive committee, and the rest of the board” says Thigpen.
Texas Livestock Marketing Association and National Finance Credit Corporation of Texas were founded by ranchers in 1930 and serve ranchers in marketing livestock and by providing a reliable source of financing for their credit needs.
Jordan joined the board of directors in February 2019 and was appointed to the executive committee that same year. Means joined the board in 1995 and the executive committee in 1996. He has served as vice chairman since February 2016.
Thigpen, now chairman emeritus, joined the boards of directors in 1998, and was appointed to the executive committee that same year. In 2016, he was elected chairman of the board and was annually re-elected to that leadership position until 2025 when he chose to step up into the emeritus role.
Ken Leiber, president of TLMA and NFCC, says, “Robby has been an exemplary leader of our companies. Both he and the executive committee have diligently planned for this leadership change with great foresight to the future. As chairman emeritus, Robby will continue to be actively engaged and will serve as a valuable resource for Ken Jordan and Jon Means in their leadership roles. Robby’s humble and collaborative approach to leadership and the many years of service that Ken and Jon have on the Executive Committee will make this a smooth transition. With the experience and abilities of our new leaders and the support of our strong board of directors, National Finance and Texas Livestock Marketing Association will continue our tradition of service to ranchers for generations to come.”
More about Texas Livestock Marketing Association and National Finance Credit Corporation of Texas
As a cooperative owned and managed by people who understand the livestock business, our sole purpose and attitude is one of service to our customers and to the livestock industry.
The Texas Livestock Marketing Association’s directors are strategically located throughout Texas and the Southwest and are active in all aspects of livestock production.
Up to seven of these members/directors serve on the executive committee. The executive committee sets policy and reviews the operations and activities of the organization.
Management and staff are traditionally experienced in livestock marketing and financial management and are dedicated to keeping abreast of the industry’s needs and changes.
Service & Commitment to the Livestock IndustryOur service philosophy and commitment to the livestock industry holds true for our financing company as evidenced by our many multi-generation relationships.
National Finance Credit Corporation of Texas has provided a dependable and competitive source of financing for livestock producers since 1930. Throughout its history, the company has maintained its stability through a strong financial base while possessing the flexibility to adjust to changing market and lending environments.
Commitment + Integrity + ReliabilityThe philosophy of our organization is best summarized by the founding chairman of our companies, H.L. Kokernot Sr., who was quoted at the organizational meeting as emphasizing, “What we do here today is to be done to last a long time.” This attitude is present today as we emphasize commitment, integrity, and reliability for the long term.