A half-day Ranchers Leasing Workshop set for Nov. 8 in Waco will cover all aspects of leasing including grazing, hunting and livestock.
The free workshop will be held from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the McLennan County Community College Emergency Services Education Center, 7601 Steinbeck Road in Waco. Lunch will be sponsored by Ag Workers Insurance.
“Many Texas landowners and livestock producers are in leasing relationships, either as landowners or tenants,” said Tiffany Dowell Lashmet, AgriLife Extension agricultural law specialist, Amarillo.
“This workshop offers an opportunity to discuss the law related to leasing, tips for what should be included in a lease and a discussion of landowner liability. We focus on offering practical, real-world information that people can take home and implement in their own operations.”
Participants will be able to interact with Lashmet, and Dr. Greg Kaase, AgriLife Extension economist, College Station. They will also receive a copy of the Rancher’s Agricultural Leasing Handbook, which contains checklists and sample lease language.
Lashmet said over 750 Texans have attended these workshops over the last two years and surveys have indicated 100 percent of attendees would recommend the workshop to a friend.
RSVP is requested by Nov. 1 by calling 806-677-5681 or emailing Lashmet at [email protected] .