Texas weekly cattle auction summary
Compared to last week: Feeder steers and heifers sold steady to 3.00 higher. Trade activity was moderate to good on good demand. Scattered thunderstorms throughout the week hampered cattle movement, but benefitted pastures.
TexasLivestock5.28Oklahoma weekly cattle auction summary
Compared to last week: Feeder steers steady to 3.00 higher. Feeder heifers sold 2.00-5.00 higher. Demand very good for feeder cattle as several large strings of cattle were moving off of graze-out wheat. Steer and heifer calves lightly tested in most areas, however few sales were 1.00-4.00 higher. Demand also very good for calves. Rains moved across the state again this week and more is expected at the beginning of next week. Corn prices dropped all week giving hope to the feeder. This quickly turned late in the week as grain prices rose sharply. Slaughter cattle prices remains fairly steady on the week with pretty good movement. Beef prices thru Thursday rose about 2.00-4.00 proving beef demand is still good. Slaughter cows sold steady to 4.00 higher. Slaughter bulls steady to 4.00 lower. Packer demand mostly moderate.