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The Texas Animal Health Commission (TAHC) held a regularly scheduled meeting on Feb. 16, 2016, in Austin. The following rules were adopted during the meeting and became effective on March 8, 2016.
Chapter 33, Fees, Repeal Lab & Herd Status/Certification Fees
The TAHC previously had budget authority to collect Laboratory fees (Rule 33.4) and Herd Status/Certification fees (Rule 33.5). The legislature did not renew that authority last year, so the TAHC must discontinue setting and collecting certain fees, effective Sept. 1, 2015.
Chapter 49, Equine, EIA Testing
The purpose of the new section is to add a requirement that a person or laboratory who performs an official Equine Infectious Anemia (EIA) test in the State of Texas must meet and be in compliance with the requirements found in Title 9, CFR §75.4(c), “Approval of Laboratories, and Diagnostic or Research Facilities.”
To view the details of all the rules passed visit
The following rule amendment was also proposed:
Chapter 41, Fever Ticks, Fever Tick Vaccine
The proposal will add the fever tick vaccine requirements for beef cattle in quarantine areas and will clarify the different requirements for dipping, treatment, and vaccination. Click here to read the proposal on adding vaccination regulations. Click here to read the proposal on changes to dipping, vaccination and treatment rules.
TAHC began accepting public comments for the proposal on March 11, 2016. The deadline for comment submissions on the proposed amendment is April 11, 2016. Complete details of the rule proposal are available on the TAHC website at
Comments on the proposed amendment may be submitted in writing to Amanda Bernhard, Texas Animal Health Commission, 2105 Kramer Lane, Austin, Texas 78758; by fax at 512-719-0719, or by email to [email protected].