Deadline is February 4, 2022
The Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Foundation is now accepting scholarship applications for the 2022-2023 school year. The application and information on qualifications can be found online at or by calling 817-332-8551. Applications must be received by Friday, February 4, 2022.
The foundation awards scholarships to deserving students who dream of working in the agricultural sector with majors including animal science, pre-vet, agribusiness, range management and wildlife management, among other specialties. Scholarship recipients are selected based on their interest in the industry, leadership in school and the community, academic achievement and financial need.
For the 2022-2023 school year, applications will be available for the following:
- TSCRF Scholarships
- Jackson Albert Dudley Scholarship
- Dr. Bryan L. Flow Veterinary Scholarship
- Lt. W.F. “Jim” Flow TSCRA Special Rangers Scholarship
- David and Dan Nance TSCRA Special Rangers Scholarship
- Large Animal Vet Scholarships given to 4th year students of Texas A&M’s College of Veterinary Medicine
The Dr. Bryan L. Flow Veterinary Scholarship application will be available for the first time this year. This scholarship was established by Flow’s daughters, Sherry and Terri Flow, to support students that are pursuing a degree in the fields of animal science or veterinary science with the intent to work as a mixed or large animal veterinarian in a rural community. The scholarship will be awarded on a yearly basis.
Please visit to learn more about scholarship requirements and qualifications and to download an application.
Since 2004, the Foundation is honored to have awarded almost $777,000 in scholarships to deserving students pursuing degrees in agriculture or agriculture-related programs. In 2021, the Foundation awarded 26 scholarships totaling just over $69,750.
The Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that operates without state or federal funding. The foundation is grateful for the support from our cattle raisers community who have contributed to the scholarship program.
If you would like to support the program that provides scholarships and encourages the brightest and best students to dedicate their careers to this industry, visit or call 817-332-8551.